GPS SDC-Lesson 2 Great Plain Squares
Lesson 2
Star Thru Typical starting formation - man and lady facing

The man raises his right hand, the lady raises her left hand, and they touch hands. Dancers raise their joined hands and the lady walks under turning 90° to the left while the man walks around the lady turning 90° to the right. Ends in a couple.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Bend the Line Typical starting formation - two-faced line or one-faced line

Working as a unit, each couple turns toward the center of the line with centers backing up and ends walking forward. Ends in facing couples.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Box the Gnat Typical starting formation - man and lady facing

Dancers join right hands with the dancer across from them. The man walks forward and turns 180° to the right to stand in the lady's original position while the lady walks forward under their joined hands and turns 180° to the left to end in the man's original position. Dancers end facing each other in each other's original positions with right hands joined.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Rollaway Typical starting formation - couple

The right-hand dancer moves forward toward their partner turning 360° to end on the other side of their partner. The original left-hand dancer slides over to the right. Ends in a couple with the dancers having switched positions.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares